What is the process for arranging a cremation with you?
If your pet passes at home contact us either by phone, email or message us – we understand that it is sometimes difficult to speak at such an upsetting time. We will arrange an appointment with you at a mutually convenient time for us to collect your pet from your home or for you to bring your pet to us. We will ask you for the following details: your name, address and contact telephone number, your pet’s name, species/breed and approximate weight. It is a good idea to have a think about how you would like your pet’s ashes contained (see our caskets, urns and tributes page) but this can be arranged after cremation if you need more time to decide.
If your pet has been euthanised at your vets, you can still use us for cremation. The process is the same as if your pet has passed at home. We can collect from your veterinary practice or home, or you can bring your pet to us. You will need to inform your vet that we are collecting on your behalf and ask them if there is a particular time slot for us to collect.

Why do I need to make an appointment?
We run an appointment system for two reasons:
1. We do not like to have more than one client at the crematorium at one time due to the very personal nature of the process.
2. We are sometimes called out on collections for large pets which requires both of us to be off site at short notice.

When will my pets ashes be ready for collection?
We will contact you when the process is completed to arrange an appointment for you to collect your pet’s ashes. Your pet will be ready for collection usually within 24 hours of us receiving him/her although we are happy to take care of ashes for up to 30 days if you are not ready to collect them straight away.

What is the difference between the service you offer and the service my vet offers?
Vets tend to use the larger, more commercial crematoriums who normally collect from practices in a van on a weekly basis. Pets will therefore be bagged and placed in a freezer by the vet until the crematorium collects the contents of the freezer. Often pets are collected alongside clinical waste from the veterinary practice. Ashes are usually returned to the vet when the crematorium make their next collection from the practice or are returned directly to the pet owner by post. Many pet owners do not realise that they have the freedom to decide which pet crematorium they use.
We are able to offer a more personal service. We are a small husband & wife owned and operated crematorium, you will meet us and see the premises. We welcome pet owners to visit and are happy arrange viewings of the crematorium and equipment. We feel it is extremely important for pet owners to know exactly where their pet will be and who will be handling their pet throughout the entire process. We will arrange to collect your pet from your vet or your home on the day of euthanasia or, if you prefer, you can bring your pet directly to us. We will cremate on the same or following day (depending on the time of day the pet is received) therefore negating the need to bag and freeze pets awaiting cremation. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and do not on add additional charges for unsociable hours.

What will happen when I bring my pet to you?
When you arrive at our premises, we will ensure that all of your wishes for your pets’ final journey are met. Your pet will be laid in our farewell room where you will have time if you need to say goodbye. We will then contact you as soon as the process is completed to arrange your appointment for collection of your pet’s ashes.

How long does the cremation process take?
Cremation time varies but as a rough guide it takes approximately 2 – 2.5 hours for a cat or small dog, 3 – 3.5 hours for a medium sized dog and between 4 to 5 hours for a large dog including time for cooling and processing of ashes.

How do I know that it is my pet’s ashes that I receive back?
All equipment is thoroughly cleaned after each cremation. You can be assured that the ashes you receive are only your pet’s.

Do I have to wait longer for my pet’s ashes if I want a casket or tribute engraved?
All engraving is done on site so there is no extra waiting time.

Can I wait while my pet’s cremation is taking place?
This can be arranged by appointment but due to the commitments we have to make there is an addition charge of £50.00. During the process we recommend that clients visit the nearby town where there are many places to eat/drink and a variety of shops to browse. We will contact you as soon as your pet is ready for collection.